About Us

I’m Laura. I am an RN of 10 years, a Certified Baby-Led Sleep and Wellbeing Specialist, and a mom of two daughters. I was plunged into the world of infant sleep when my first child was born.

It had literally never crossed my mind that my child may not just lay in her bassinet and sleep. When she didn’t, I felt confusion, frustration and self-doubt. However, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I physically could not listen to my baby cry for me and not answer her. I started safely co-sleeping so we could both get rest and never looked back. During my search for sanity and solidarity, I discovered the Baby-Led Sleep and Wellbeing certification and resonated immediately. I completed my certification in early 2025.

My passion is to help families get better rest while still listening to their instincts and providing responsive care to their children. I have a special spot in my heart for those who have been bombarded with negative messaging around responsive parenting at night, including parents who were sleep trained as children and want a different path. Welcome! I’m excited to get to know you.

I’m most likely contact napping with my baby or reading out loud to my preschooler. .. I look forward to hearing from you!